Awards and Recognitions
We are getting significant growth in all areas with our efforts and technology adoption. As a mark of outstanding Performance, we won several awards and Recognition’s.
After the movement, we have been establishing branches from the financial year 2009-10, we are getting significant growth in all areas with our efforts and technology adoption. As a mark of outstanding Performance, we won several awards from the year 2009.
These awards are recognition of the trust that our customers and stakeholders place in us. We are committed to break new ground to serve our customers and members better and in shaping a better tomorrow. Year wise list of awards received is as under.

- We have bagged prestigious “SKOCH ORDER OF MERIT 2019” in for the Year 2019 in National level, conferred by SKOCH Group in its 58rd Skoch Summit conducted and sponsored by “ (Bombay Stock Exchange)”, Mumbai.
- We have won Four(4) “FRONTIERS IN CO-OP. BANKING AWARDS” for the year 2019 in national level, towards “Best Mobile Banking App, Best Credit Growth, Best Chairman, Best HR Initiatives” categories. Received these awards in “National Co-Operative Banking Summit 2019” at Goa.

- We have bagged national level “BANCO PURASKAR 2019” for the Year 2019, conferred by “BANCO”, Mumbai.